Jake and Kristin

Monday, September 25, 2006

This is my cell group, a student led Bible study at the students home. The students invite their friends, we've had 4 students accept the Lord since school started back up!



This is our Living room fully painted and even a few things hung on the walls!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Pictures of Our House!

Jake getting ready for the day. Thats our main bathroom- still has the pretty sunshine yellow walls and sea shell wall paper border from when we bought the house. 1 thing at a time right?
Here is our bedroom, Jake and his Dad built our closet tha tyou see at the end. The ironing board is almost always up. :)
Our living room- right after i bought my digital camera. I was playing around.
Our living room when we were painting back in August. It looks really good actually. Feels like a room now.... That's our front door on the left there.
The other half of our living room while we were paiting. The doorway to the kitchen is on the left in this picture.

More to come....

awww.... deucer's is all gone to a new home.... Posted by Picasa

Hi Everybody-

This is our blog...we'll try and keep it updated with pictures and messages about life!

love you all