Jake and Kristin

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

3 Months in Cincinnati

Well it's been 3 months now since we moved to Cincinnati. Youth group is going well. We recently renamed the youth group Stenos, (sten as in stencil, os and in sauce). It is the greek translation of the word narrow in Matthew 7:13 and 14 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. " In verse 14 narrow literally means "a groaning" or "a struggle". Which we think perfectly depicts how difficult it is to be passionate about your faith in high school, it's difficult, it's hard, it's a struggle, you are going to groan and moan through difficult decisions. We had the best graphic artist in the world do some logos for us but I can't seem to attach the one we chose at the moment...in another blog....

I got a job at PregnancyCare of Cincinnati. I am planning their Walk for Life, Spring Banquet and Baby Bottle drive. Basically the job of my dreams...:) If you'd like to donate... :) just kidding, all of you guys already got my email asking for money....

Jake has been mountain biking every chance he gets. We just bought a new bike for him, this is a painful story. He hadn't even gone out riding yet and we were driving back from Indianapolis at midnight saturday night, ava and i were dead asleep when he slams on the breaks and yells "OH MY GOSH THE BIKE FELL OFF!!". He jumped out of the car and in a couple minutes i see him through the headlights of another car coming down the side of the highway riding the bike. Sigh of relief that he even found the stupid thing, thankfully he heard it fall off and stopped right away. Unfortunately it got ALL banged up, the seat is tore up, it's all scratched and the pedal reflector fell off. Then the back tire popped. So his brand new bike is looking pretty used already and he hasn't even been out on it yet! talk about depressing...it's at the bike shop now getting repaired...uggg... didn't we just pay an arm and a leg for that thing?! alright I'm done ranting about that...

all for now...

Resting in Him
