Costume Coffeehouse 2006 X.change Youth Group
Jake is a member of the Blue Man Group and I am "Hugh"- hugh is a character thought up by Jake and Eddie and played by my brother-in-law joel on the videos they made for cell group. So it was kind of an inside cell group joke. But 90% of the teens go to cell group so they thought it was hilarious.

This is Britney Spears, pregnant and selling perfume...she won the costume contest! Mostly for her tagline... said with a twangy southern accent "Hi my name is Britney Spears, buy my perfume"
The kid to her left is Fidel Castro!!! HAHAHA.


This is Steph's head on a silver platter...she sat by the food and FREAKED people out.

This is Mama Cox taking a bite out of stephs food....

We had an incredibly fun evening...