In Holiday Aftershock

Well folks! The holidays are gone so I guess it's time to get back to normal. I took down our lovely Christmas tree the other day. Jake swears again that we will never get a real tree again, but we'll see about that :)
We left Vermont on Saturday the 30th, got home around 4:30 after some ridiculous flight issues! We unpacked, washed our clothes and then repacked and left for Atlanta at noon on Sunday for a conference called Passion 2007! (and no, it's not about reconnecting sexually with your spouse!) These are pictures from that trip, some good, some bad...I thought I'd just send all of them. It was an amazing conference where 750,000 dollars was raised among 24,000 people ages 18-25.
While we were there jake had a phone interview with Memorial Bible Church in Yakima Washington. I know I know washington is FARRRRRRRRRR. But it went really well and he has a second interview this Sunday the 14th. Please be in prayer that they will hire the right person even if it's not Jake. Secondly, 2 positions have opened up at a school where our friends teach english and are missionaries in China. I know I know it's really farrrrrrrr. But if it's not supposed to be then God will shut doors. We have limited time to get passports and visa's and sell our house. So only God at this point could ordain that. This is all pending that things do not work out with the church in Washington. But we do have to get the passport and visa process started. All we ask for is your prayers at this point that we will see things fall into place if it is God's Will. Selling our house is a huge factor! love to all
Resting in Him,
Jake and Kristin

John Piper, pastor and author of over 30 books. I highly recommend Don't Waste Your Life

the screen from one night for the outdoor concert/worship time.

The Stadium where the sessions were held. This didn't even hold everyone, they simulcasted from another building for the other 5000 people and we all rotated thru the buildings. 14 staff at Passion put this conference on with over 1000 volunteers.
Jake looking wise and deep in thought...
Louie Giglio the brains behind Passion....and an amazing speaker.
Just a portion of the towels donated from each attendee to be dispersed thru-out atlanta to the many shelters. This was called "Do Something Now" We all brought socks and towels so Atlanta could feel the love of Jesus Christ.
Dow and Rachel, Jake and I. Dow and Rachel asked us to drive one of the vans and in return we got to stay at the hotel for free. Saved us about 500 dollars. God is so awesome this trip was completely free for us! (my best friend sarah bought us the tickets for a wedding gift)
Jake and Nate Kresge...walking around atlanta
matt decided he wanted a lift as well
This is where the conference was held.
Sitting around waiting for the conference to start. This is the group of college kids we drove down. 19 total with us....
This is a hair salon in downtown atlanta. If you can't read it, it says "oh! my nappy hair" hahahahaha