While our husbands enjoyed hours of xbox Ashley and I did some organizing.
I am new to this whole coupon thing but...yesterday at Kroger I saved almost 25 dollars. INCREDIBLE. I got 2 boxes of cereal completely free. That's what happens when cereal is on sale for 1.99 and you have a 2 dollars off coupon. Who knew that even happened. They only had two boxes and I had 9 coupons for 2 dollars off, you had better bet I'm going back.
I have to give credit to
http://www.moneysavingmom.com/ for filling me in on these deals and where to print the coupons off of (and to ashley for finding that website). But I also clip coupons every sunday now....
I think I have nearly 50 categories in my coupon box. Which seems ridiculous but now I won't be as slowed down when I'm shopping because I won't be searching through a vague category that has 50 different clipped coupons.
So yes that was exciting...I had no idea just how excited i was until i started putting my coupons in their categories...wow.
If this interests you in the least bit check out that website.